Terms and Conditions of Sale


These general conditions governing the terms and conditions of sale of products marketed Azienda Vinicola Sannino Srl

All contracts for the sale of products on www.sanninovini.com to third parties (Clients) are governed by these terms and conditions, which form an integral and essential part of any proposal, order and order confirmation of purchase of such products.

If you visit and buy on this website, you accept the terms and conditions prevailing below.

The conditions of sale apply to your order are those in effect on the date of the order.
This site is owned by Azienda Vinicola Sannino Srl, located at Via G. Semmola, 146-80056 Ercolano (Na) – Italy – e-mail: info@sanninovini.com

tel. +39 081 7394630/7390346 – Fax +39 081 7322360

VAT 07326770638 – code R.E.A. n. 606756

All logos and trademarks in this site, including sanninovini, owned by their respective owners.

  1. Products: prices and features

1.1 The prices are indicated in € uro VAT included, and shipping costs.

The prices of products from time to time published by sanninovini.com cancel and replace the previous, and are obviously subject to availability of the products.

1.2 The characteristics relating to the products are published in the catalog on-line www.sanninovini.com. Product images are indicative and not binding.

  1. Orders – Billing

2.1 All purchase orders for products sent to sanninovini.com must be complete in all their parts, and contain all the elements necessary for the proper identification of what you want to buy.

Each order for products sent constitutes Customer’s contract proposal and is binding sanninovini.com only if confirmed for the same acceptance; order fulfillment by sanninovini.com equivalent to confirmation and acceptance thereof.

Orders are received in writing in www.sanninovini.com site or by e-mail at info@sanninovini.com.

2.2 Sanninovini.com reserves the right to refuse orders, in any way facts, if incomplete or not properly completed.

In case of non-execution of the order, even for unforeseeable reasons or force majeure, sanninovini.com shall inform the customer as soon as possible by e-mail to the address indicated on the form or mail order, refund amounts, if already paid for the provision has not taken: in such cases the customer is not entitled to any compensation or damages.

2.3 The tax records relating to the products ordered will be issued by sanninovini.com upon shipment of the products to the customer.

If the customer is registered for VAT and wish to receive the invoice to your name, it must indicate this request when ordering.

2.4 Conditions and terms of delivery for purchases of numerically consistent and / or details will be agreed between the customer and Sanninovini.com: in this case the e-mail reference to the contact is info@sanninovini.com.

  1. Delivery of products – Shipping to Italy

3.1 The shipping and delivery of products are charged to the customer.

Deliveries are normally made by courier.

Unless ad hoc arrangements or stated differently, all deliveries are made to the road.

3.2 Purchased goods are shipped to Italy via courier national destination address specified by the customer in the order form.

It is recommended that an address where there is someone who can pick up the goods, especially if ordered perishable goods such as chocolates.

3.3 We accept orders of just one product, leaving it to the discretion of the customer evaluation of the extent of the contribution of shipping in relation to what want to buy.

3.4 The contribution of shipping to the Customer’s expense is adjusted as follows:

The expedition through this site is only valid if made in Italy.
The cost of delivery is 15 € uro, which fixed contribution that is independent of the quantity of products purchased and regardless of region of Italy which is directed towards the order.
When spending the products purchased (thus excluding costs) equals or exceeds the amount of 150 € uro, the purchaser is entitled to a free shipping.
Delivery is made by law – be subject to any act of God – within 8 working days from the payment of goods purchased and the order confirmation by the ‘Azienda Vinicola Sannino.

The number of working days indicated could have a variation during the holiday season, the week of August or in the event of any transport strikes.

3.5 Contingencies will be notified by e-mail and / or telephone. Sanninovini.com not responsible for any delays due to the carrier / shipper, always with the force majeure.

  1. Choice of payment method

4.1 Payment of the purchase price of the products and the contribution of shipping will be carried out jointly when the order mode with Paypal.

Payment through the PayPal platform implies that, after completing the electronic order and enter your personal data, the connection will be protected and will pass on the PayPal server will ensure that the correct bank transaction.

Sanninovini.com not have access to the number of credit card / debit card inserted.


  1. Special offers and giveaways

5.1 Any special offers promoted by sanninovini.com are valid until they expire or until stocks are exhausted: in any case are subject to the availability of related products. Products in special offer could be in promotional packs.

5.2 No replacement is provided in connection with any product received free from the customer.

  1. Product guarantees

6.1 Sanninovini.com guarantees only the material integrity of the products upon delivery.

6.2 Without prejudice to the case of fraud or gross negligence of the Vinicola Sannino Srl, is now agreed that, if found responsible in any way to the Client (including the case of total or partial obligations taken as a result of the execution of an order), the responsibility of the Vinicola Sannino Srl can not exceed the price of the products purchased by the customer and for which the dispute arose.


  1. Receipt of the goods ordered

7.1 The customer is invited to check that what is indicated on the delivery actually corresponds to what is delivered by courier; the customer must also verify that the / the neck / s are intact and undamaged.

7.2 If there is reason to doubt that the packing of the neck and / or the goods are damaged upon receipt of withdrawal, you must write the word “Withdrawn subject to control”; otherwise the delivery is considered accomplished properly.

7.3 In the case of apparent breakage and / or tampering of the neck the customer must refuse to accept the goods and do not open the package or packaging, indicating instead on the delivery of courier the reason for the complaint; the goods will be replaced.

  1. Privacy

8.1 The personal information requested under the order are collected and processed to meet the expressed requirements of Customer and will not under any circumstances and no license to third parties.

Personal data will not be used to send unsolicited advertising, promotions and the like other than those promoted by the site www.sanninovini.com: therefore guarantees to customers the respect of rules on the processing of personal data covered by the privacy code under Legislative Decree. 196 of 30 June 2003.

The data controller is the Vinicola Sannino Srl G. Semmola, 146-80056 Ercolano (Na) Tel. +39 081 7394630/7390346.

At any time you can ask for modification or deletion of data by writing to info@sanninovini.com.

  1. Purchases abroad

9.1 If you live abroad, in Europe and / or within the EEC and are interested in our products, contact us by e-mail to info@sanninovini.com indicating your request: we will inform you the best offer for the shipping cost and the mode of delivery.

  1. Laws

10.1 Sanninovini.com of the Vinicola Sannino Srl He declares to comply with the laws in force of the Italian Republic, which form the basis for any dispute of any kind for any customer Nationality of both Italian and foreign.

Subject to any applicable mandatory provisions of law for the protection of consumers (as defined under Article 3 co. 1 letter. A) pursuant to Legislative Decree. 6 wk. 2005, 206) of any dispute related to these Terms and Conditions shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Naples.

Pursuant to and for the purposes set out in Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the Customer declares to have carefully read and understood, and then specifically accept the following clauses of the General Conditions of sale of www.sanninovini.com of Articles. : 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / A / B / C, 3.5, 4.1 / A / B / C / D / E, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1 , 7.2, 10.1.

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